Known for its stunning beaches this sleepy beachtown also has some of the best dining options on the coast. Have a look at the most popular restaurants in Akumal and where to find them.
Jungle Fish Restaurant and Beachclub, Jade Bay
Lol Ha Snack Bar and Restaurant, Akumal Bay
La Cueva del Pescador in Plaza Ukana, Downtown Akumal
Taverna Pizzeria and Risotteria in Plaza Ukana, Downtown Akumal
Turtle Bay Cafe and Bakery in Plaza Ukana, Downton Akumal
La Buena Vida Beachfront Restaurant, Half Moon Bay
La Lunita, Half Moon Bay
Let us know which one of these eateries in Akumal is your favorite or if you and your group need details to organize an event on your upcoming trip. Our local experts are always glad to help.